Dr. Arpita Samanta

Assistant Professor

Department of Geology

Asutosh College, Kolkata


Email: arpita.samanta@asutoshcollege.in; arpitas25@gmail.com


Sedimentology, Sequence Stratigraphy, Stable isotope geochemistry, and Paleo-climate


PROFESSIONAL experiences


Current Position: Assistant Professor at Asutosh College since September 2016

Research experience: Research associate at Indian Institute Technology Kharagpur, September, 2014-August, 2016



Doctor of Philosophy

Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India

Thesis Title: Sedimentology and Isotope Stratigraphy of Early Cenozoic Sediments from Cambay Basin, Gujarat: Implications to Eocene Climate Optima.

Supervisor: Prof. Anindya Sarkar (Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India)


Master of Technology

Subject: Earth and Environmental Science

Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India

Thesis Title: Sedimentology and Stable Isotope Geochemistry of Lower Tertiary Sediments of Rajasthan and Gujarat: Implication to Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum Event.

M.Tech Dissertation’s Supervisor: Prof. Anindya Sarkar (Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India)

Master of Science

Subject: Applied Geology 

Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India



I have been teaching theory and practical courses in Sedimentology and Geochemistry in undergraduate and post-graduate. Geomorphology theory and Paleoclimatology practical in the undergraduate course. I have been taking sedimentological fieldwork for both undergraduate and postgraduate students.


Geological Field experience

I maintain active sedimentological field-based research programs. My research interests encompass the process-based sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of continental and shallow marine clastic/nonclastic depositional systems in connection with stable isotope-based paleoclimate. Apart from understanding the interrelation between sedimentation and paleoclimate, I am actively involved in decoding the different geological carbon cycle perturbations.  During my Ph.D. detailed Sedimentological and Paleontological fieldwork were carried out (2008-2014).  Apart from my thesis-related work other field works carried out in various geological setups are listed below.


Sedimentological fieldwork in the Lower Gondwana of Talchir, Orissa (2011).

Sedimentological and sequence stratigraphic field work in structurally complex Sub-Himalayan region of Simla Himalaya (2008).

Participated in several fieldworks that cover wide areas of geology such as structural geology, paleontology, coastal geology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, igneous and metamorphic which include mapping, sample collection, and characterization during B.Sc. and M.Sc. programs. Participated in sedimentological field works on the different depositional environments ( both siliciclastic and carbonate) and different tough terrains i.e., North-Eastern and North-Western Himalayas. I usually take MSc students and BSc students for Sedimentological fieldwork around Biharinath Hill (Raniganj Basin) and Ghatshila-Galudih area respectively for the last 6yrs.

Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry

I have been using stable isotope ratios as a proxy for the reconstruction of the paleoclimate and paleoenvironment. I have been involved to setup new analytical methods and maintain stable isotope ratio mass spectrometer and its different peripheries:                                                      

·         Worked on stable isotope geochemistry since 2005; was actively involved in the calibration and standardization of the mass spectrometer system and peripherals in the National Stable Isotope facility of IIT Kharagpur.

·         Experience in the routine operation of Finnigan Delta Plus XP, Delta V, and MAT 253 continuous flow Isotope ratio mass spectrometer. Extensively used peripherals like (a) Gas Bench (GB) II, an automated equilibration system for measurement of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of water samples and online CO2 extraction system for measurement of carbon isotope of carbonate samples, and (b) Elemental Analyzer (EA), an automated system for online extraction of CO2, N2, SO2, and H2  gases for measurement of Carbon and Oxygen, Nitrogen, Sulphur, and hydrogen isotopes of sediment samples respectively, and (c) Kiel Carbonate automated system for Carbon and Oxygen isotope of Carbonates.

·         Analyzed a large number of carbonate samples including inter-laboratory calibration (UCL standard BDH) based on standards like NBS and Z-Carrara (PRL). Also measured a large number of sedimentary organic matter using EA including standardization using the IAEA cellulose standard. Additionally, took part actively in the establishment of different experimental protocols for water, carbonate, organic matter, and sulfate. Most importantly I have developed the experimental setup in continuous flow mass spectrometer for the oxygen isotope of bio-phosphate and hydrogen isotope of clay mineral for the first time in India.

·         Experience in solving operational problems of the mass spectrometer, GB, and EA including vacuum, gas chromatographic column, various mechanical hardware and software problems, and importantly filament burnt out and cleaning of the source, source heater replacement, rotary pump capacitor failure, etc.

·         Experience in laser fluorination system for oxygen isotopes of silicates attached with dual inlet system of MAT 253.


PUBLICATIONS (Google Scholar Citation; Total citation: 270; h-index: 6; i10- index: 6)


·         Sarkar, A., Sengupta, S., McArthur, J.M., Ravenscoft, P., Bera, M.K., Bhushan, R., Samanta, A. and Agrawal, S., 2009. Evolution of Ganges-Brahmaputra western delta plain: Clues from sedimentology and carbon isotope, Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 28, p. 2564–2581. (Impact Factor: 4; Citation: 111).


·         Bera, M.K., Sarkar, A., Tandon, S.K., Samanta, A. and Sanyal, P., 2010. Does burial diagenesis reset pristine isotopic compositions in paleosol carbonates? Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 300, p. 85-100. (Impact Factor: 5.3; Citation: 40).


·         Bera, M.K., Bhattacharya, K., Sarkar, A., Samanta, A., Kumar, K. and Sahni, A., 2010. Oxygen isotope analysis of bone and tooth enamel phosphate from Palaeogene sediments: experimental techniques and initial results, Journal of the Geological Society of India, v. 76, p. 275-282. (Impact Factor: 1.3; Citation: 10).


·         Samanta, A., Sarkar, A., Bera, M. K., Rai, J. and Rathore, S. S., 2013. Late Paleocene–early Eocene carbon isotope stratigraphy from a near-terrestrial tropical section and antiquity of Indian mammals, Journal of Earth system and Science, v. 122, 163-171. (Impact Factor: 1.9; Citation: 29).


·         Samanta, A., Bera M.K., Ghosh, R., Bera, S., Filley, T., Pande, K., Rathore, S.S., Rai, J., Sarkar, A., 2013. Do the large carbon isotopic excursions in terrestrial organic matter across Paleocene–Eocene boundary in India indicate intensification of tropical precipitation? Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 387, 91–103. (Impact Factor: 3; Citation: 55).


·         Samanta, A., Bera, M.K., Sarkar, A., 2016. Climate modulated sequence development in a tropical rift basin during the Late Palaeocene-Early Eocene super greenhouse Earth, Sedimentology, v. 63, 917-939. (Impact Factor: 3.5; Citation: 17).


·         Sreenivasan, S. P., Bera, M. K., Samanta, A., Vadlamani, R., 2018. Paleocene-Eocene carbon isotopic excursion (CIE) from the 2 shallow-marine-carbonate sequence of Northeast India: Implication to the CIE magnitude and geometry, Journal of Earth system and Science, v 127, 1-11. (Impact Factor: 1.9; Citation: 5)


·         Sreenivasan, S.P., Samanta, A., BouDagher-Fadel, M., Mukherjee, S., Vadlamani, R. and Bera, M.K., 2022. Increasing primary productivity in the oligotrophic Tethyan coastal ocean during the Paleocene-Eocene warming episode. Global and Planetary Change, (Impact Factor: 3.9; Citation: 1).


·         Sreenivasan, S.P., Bera, M.K. and Samanta, A., A simple but improved protocol for measuring carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of calcite in calcite-dolomite mixtures. Applied Geochemistry, (Impact Factor: 3.4; Citation: 2).


·         Samanta, A., Bera, M. K., Sreenivasan, S. P., Sarkar, A., Comparison of pretreatment methods for organic-matter removal and their effects on the hydrogen isotope (δ2H) composition of kaolinite. Clays and Clay Minerals (Impact Factor: 2.2).



Book Chapter

·      Samanta, A. and Kundu, A., 2023. Spectacular Soft-Sediment Deformation Structures in Sedimentary Rock Outcrops of Damodar Valley Basin, West Bengal, India: A Field Guide. In Structural Geology and Tectonics Field Guidebook, v. 2, 217-226. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

·      Ganguly, S., Samanta, A. and Kundu, A., 2023. The Rock Outcrops at Raghunathdi, SE of Ghatsila (Jharkhand, India): a Spectacular Preservation of Polyphase Folding. In Structural Geology and Tectonics Field Guidebook, v. 2,  203-216. Cham: Springer International Publishing.


Conference abstracts

·         Samanta, A., Sarkar, A. and Bera, M.K., 2008. Sedimentology and carbon isotopes in lignite beds of Rajasthan: Implications to Paleocene/Eocene thermal maximum events. International Conference on “Terrestrial Planets: Evolution through Time”, 22-25 Jan., PRL, Ahmedabad.

·         Samanta, A., Sarkar, A. and Bera, M.K., 2008. Sedimentology and Carbon Isotope in Lower Tertiary Sediments of Rajasthan: Implication to Post Paleocene/Eocene Thermal Maximum Event. AGU,2008 Fall Meeting.

·         Samanta, A., Sarkar, A., Bera, M.K.,  Rai, J., Prasad, V., Rathore, S. S., 2012. A new Palaeocene Eocene Thermal Maximum record from India: Implications to carbon cycling and tropical hydrology in a past super-greenhouse globe. 4th International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2012 in Brussels.

·         Sarkar, A., Samanta, A., Bera, M. K., 2013. Stable isotopes in bivalve from early Eocene hyperthermal reveals enhanced tropical seasonality. 3rd International Sclerochronology Conference, 2013. Caernarfon, North Wales, UK.

·         Samanta, A., and Anindya Sarkar., 2017.Strong Equatorial Seasonality during Early Eocene Greenhouse. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, vol. 19, p. 11147.

·         Vadlamani, R., Bera, M.K.,  Samanta, A., Mukherjee, S.,  Adhikari, A., Sarkar,  A., 2018. Oxygen, Sr and Nd isotopic evidence from kyanite-eclogite xenoliths (KL-2 pipe, Wajrakarur) for pre 1.1 Ga mantle metasomatism in Eastern Dharwar SCLM, Goldschmidt 2018 Abstract.








Early Career Research Award

Title of the Project: Enigma of positive and negative carbon isotope excursions in Late Permian to Early Triassic interval (SERB funded, Rs.14,30000/-)

Ph.D. Student (Awarded)

Sruthi P.S

Title of the Thesis: Response of the Northeast Indian Sahallow Marine Carbonate Platform to the Late Paleocene- Early Eocene Warming Episode

M.Sc. Dissertation

Total 12 students