About the Cell
Contact Email-Id : mou.committee@asutoshcollege.in
Collaboration allows us to know more than we are capable of knowing by ourselves
-Paul Solarz

Asutosh College has a diverse expertise in all domains of knowledge and by virtue of nurturing students of 28 departments in the domain of Humanities, Science, Management and Vocational studies, both at under graduate and postgraduate levels, it has an immense potential to team up with other academic and non-academic organisations for the betterment of teaching and student community alike through “collaborations”.
Collaboration in this new era involves different organisations (academic and non-academic) coming together as seemingly one institution to steer forward to a brighter future.Two collaborating organisations when cooperate and work together for mutual benefits can deliver better results for all stake holders involved, primarily for the students.Whenever two such organisations decide to hold hands and work together, they may as well choose to pen down the terms of agreement on which they intend to partner each other, on a piece of document termed as MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING or MOU. The MOU outlines what each organisation agrees to contribute to a partnership, a time frame for delivering the desired outcome, details of how each party will contribute and how the parties will authorize and pay for any costs(if the collaboration demands and costs areincurred in delivering the desired outcomes). These documents are a tool to facilitate the smooth working relationship between the two parties. In higher education collaboration between the educational institution with other institution, or industry or a beneficiary of knowledge can be a win-win situation for both parties by means of students’ development, faculty development, placement opportunities, hiring of quality human resource and many more(as per the kind of collaboration entered into).
- The MOU clearly states the intent and details of the parties and terms of the collaboration.
- The MOU clarifies objectively, the expectation from both the parties and also specifies duties of each party in the collaboration.
- The MOU provides a guideline as to the process of attaining the underlying objective or terms of collaboration.
- The MOU formalizes the terms of cooperation since they are signed by authorized signatories of both the parties.
- To disseminate the information regarding the need of entering into collaboration with other higher education institutions, industry and the like, to all the departments of the college so as to ensure the entire college in heart and spirit tries to network with other institutions and industry and grow together.
- To document the details of the MOU entered by the various departments.
- The understanding should initially be for a period of two years and shall be renewed on the mutual consent of both the institutions.
- This understanding can be terminated in writing with the mutual consent of both the institutions.
- Oral and/or implied termination will neither be effected, nor alleged at any point of time by any of the incumbent college under any circumstances whatsoever.
- In case of any dispute concerning this understanding, the same shall be tried to be resolved in mediation through the respective representatives of this understanding or any person nominated by them, in their joint mediation.
- All disputes and differences arising out of this understanding, if not settled in mediation, shall be resolved in Arbitration before a sole Arbitrator to be jointly nominated by the parties herein to that effect upon mutual discussion and in terms of the provisions of THE ARBITRATION AND CONCILIATION ACT ,1996 (As amended till date). The proceedings before the arbitrator shall be in English.
- The sole Arbitrator to be nominated by the parties under this agreement shall be a qualified Indian National. Persons having previous experience of adjudication of disputes arising under similar agreements shall be given preference while selecting the Arbitrator.
- The laws of India shall be followed while adjudicating the disputes under this understanding.
- The venue of the Arbitration shall be decided by the parties with mutual consent.