Creating an ecosystem of academic excellence, sustainable development, and effective resource management.

The values which will help us realise our vision:

  • Equity
  • Creativity
  • Endeavour
  • Discipline
  • Perseverance
    These five values are like the five senses that constitute the sensory world of living beings.

To strive towards realising our vision of evolving into an ideal institute of higher educationby

  • Ensuring acampus environment that is inclusive, and non-discriminatory on grounds of any kind of specific identity;
  • Adopting a holistic approach towards education with the aim of creating responsible and sensitive human beings and not just holders of academic degrees;
  • Nurturing an environment of academic freedom, where ‘Knowledge is free’ ‘JNĀN JETHĀ MUKTA’;
  • Promoting need-based and skill enhancing education to cope with the changing requirements of society;
  • Making a difference to society through community outreach activities;
  • Sustaining environmental awareness through on-campus green initiatives.