About the Cell
Contact Email-Id : antiragging.cell@asutoshcollege.in

Asutosh College ensures a completely ragging free environment in the college campus and hostel premises. Our College believes in an easeful space, where our new students unhesitatingly participate in various activities including teaching-learning with the existing students. Asutosh College assures that any activity – be it verbal or written, physical or psychological – by any student/a group of students causing damage to the other student(s) is strictly prohibited. Asutosh College Anti-Ragging Cell monitors such cases minutely and informs the College for appropriate action. The Cell, moreover, looks after that there will be no such incident of ragging in the campus as well as in the College hostels.
The UGC had recommended that the Universities/Colleges/ Institutes must have a committee and a separate cell to deal with issues of Anti ragging violence to evaluate, assist and support Higher Educational institutes to meet certain requirements which will be made mandatory in order to give effect to a policy of zero tolerance of anti-ragging violence. It has requested the colleges to develop a page on their respective websites for lodging complaints of anti-ragging harassment, and to maintain a complaints register in the Principal's office and Grievance Box in the Ground Floor, Main Building. In compliance with the letter from UGC from time to time, Anti-Ragging Cell of Asutosh College has been constituted.
- Declaring the campus as “Ragging free”
- Providing adequate impetus through hoardings and billboards placed at vantage points and through college website
- Drama related to Anti-Ragging messages
- Student’s council and committee members conduct regular checks at the beginning of every odd semester
Measures taken up:
- Anti-Ragging Posters received from UGC to be displayed on notice boards.
- Organize competitions like essay writing, slogan writing, poster making, drawing, oratory etc. on Ragging and or Anti-Ragging to raise awareness among students.
- Encourage Students to create prepare placards, boards and slogans to be displayed during the rally.
- To spread awareness among the students about the consequences of ragging.
- To keep a close eye and vigilance over ragging to prevent its occurrence and recurrence.
- To immediately address issues related to ragging and take action accordingly.
- To generate an atmosphere of discipline by sending a clear message that no act of ragging will be tolerated and any such act will not go unpunished.
UGC has notified the 3rd Amendment in UGC Regulations on 29th June, 2016 to expand the definition of ragging by including the following:
Any act of physical or mental abuse (including bullying and exclusion) targeted at another student (fresher or otherwise) on the ground of colour, race, religion, caste, ethnicity, gender (including transgender), sexual orientation, appearance, nationality, regional origins, lingusting identity place of birth place of residence or economic background.
The Cell started working with Dr. Sudip Dasgupta, GLI in Geography, Sri Soumen Das, Assistant Professor in Sociology, and other members from 2016.
In view of the recommendations of the UGC we, at Asutosh College, have constituted an Internal Complaints Committee as per in pursuance to the Judgment of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India dated 08.05.2009 in civil appeal No 887/2009 the UGC notified “Regulations on Curbing the Meance of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009.” The Regulations are available on UGC website, i.e., www.ugc.ac.in.
Students in distress due to ragging related incidents can call the National Anti-ragging Helpline 1800-180-5522 (24x7 Toll Free) or e-mail the anti-R Helpline at helpline@antiragging.in. For any other information regarding ragging please visit UGC website, i.e., www.ugc.ac.in & www.antiragging.in and contact UGC monitoring agency, i.e., Aman Satya Kachroo Trust on following No. 09871170303, 09818400116 (Only in case of emergency).
- Following the Judgment of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India dated 08.05.2009 the college has issued notices requesting all victimized members to inform and bring to notice without any hesitation of any instances of Anti-ragging in the college premises.
- Several meetings were held to find out whether any such cases had been reported.
- Anti-ragging harassment poster have been designed and displayed at our all campuses.
- Educate students about the consequences of ragging and teach healthy values to avoid engaging in such behaviour
- Assist in maintaining the ethos of the Institution – ‘A Ragging free campus’
- Disseminate information on Anti ragging rules & regulations
- Organize awareness-raising programmes
- Identify and inspect places where ragging may occur
- Make surprise visits to classrooms and in hostel
We are fortunate that no such cases have occurred in our institution till date.