About the Cell
Contact Email-Id : skillcentre@asutoshcollege.in

The Asutosh – PIBM Skill centre is a skill centre meant for continuous development of students as well as faculties. The centre is an outcome of the Memorandum of Understanding between two esteemed organizations Asutosh College, Kolkata and Pune Institute of Business Management, Pune. The skill centre is dedicated towards joint efforts of the two institutions for training of students on different topics. The centre also intends to engage in Faculty development programs. It further intends to venture into joint research activities too. Further the Skill centre intends to hold National employability skills test (with sufficient number of interested final year students) and on successfully achieving the benchmark score, they shall be offered placement opportunities by PIBM.
The skill centre has the potential of fulfilling the academic and professional needs of the students and teachers alike. The primary objectives are :
- Holding student development programs , where the students will be awarded participation certificates after successful completion of the program.
- Holding faculty development programs meant for domain specific needs and/or holistic needs of the faculties
- Holding the National employability skills test and subsequently being offered place opportunity (subject to attainment of benchmark score).