- Report of Research Methodology Botany 05.03.2024 : Download
- Summer Internship 2024 : Download
- Report of WORKSHOP: Mushroom as magic food: Cultivation of mushrooms as new scopes of entrepreneurship on 11.10.2023: Download
primary objective of the proposed workshop is to provide training to college students as well as underprivileged people of the society, in the techniques of utilizing herbal plants and plant products commercially to generate self- employment and business opportunities for them.
A SEMINAR ON THIS ASPECT, HAS BEEN ORGANIZED BY MEDICINAL PLANT GARDEN COMMITTEE, DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY AND IQAC-ASUTOSH COLLEGE ON 11TH SEPTEMBER , 2023 SPEAKERS WERE :11 AM -12.45 P.M.: Sri Arun Kumar Mukhopadhyay, IFS, Conservator of Forests, Development Circle, W.B. 2:00 PM- 3.00P.M.: Sri DULAL KAR , SENIOR HORTICULTURIST , GREEN MALL West BengalWorkshop on 'Conservation of Botanical Objects and Herbarium Specimens'
Organized by Department of Botany
Date : 24th August, 2023
On 24th August 2023 Indian Museum, Kolkata collaborated with the Industrial Section Indian Museum, Botanical Survey of India for an enlightening workshop on 'Conservation of Botanical Objects and Herbarium Specimens' for enthusiastic first and second semester students of Department of Botany, Asutosh College. The students were made aware of the intricacies of preserving botanical wonders to equip them to be guardians of our environment and green legacy.
Plantation Programme
Organized by Department of Botany
Date : 19th July, 2023
Department of Botany organized a Plantation Programme on 19.07.2023 in collaboration with IQAC, Asutosh College to observe State Plantation Week (14th-20th July). Students of 2nd and 4th semesters along with faculty members from other departments like Zoology, Bengali and English participated with zeal and enthusiasm for green-ing the campus.
The 'Alumni Interactive Lecture Series'
Organized by Department of Botany in collaboration with IQAC, Asutosh College
Date : 11th July, 2023
Speaker : Rishav Nag alumnus 2018-2021 MS (Biotechnology) IIT IndoreProspective PhD Scholar in Neuroscience
Griffith University and University of Queensland
Topic : "My Journey from Botany to Neuroscience"
Students of all semesters attended the programme which proved to be both informative and interesting. The lecture was followed by a detailed interactive session of the illustrious alumnus Rishav Nag with the present students.
Organized by Department of Botany in collaboration with IQAC, Asutosh College
DATE: 6th April, 2023
TOPIC: Achievements in Plant Biotechnology
Participants: Students of Semester 6
The final semester students made excellent oral presentations and confidently spoke on their selected topics. All faculty members were present to assist, rectify and guide them. The presentations were followed by lively interactive sessions.
Students’ Colloquium on “Building a shared Future for all Life”
Date: 22.05.2022; Sunday
Convener: Dr. Anindita Dey
Paper Presenters: 10 students of the Department of Botany of Semesters 2, 4 and 6
To commemorate the International Day of Biological Diversity, 10 students from semesters 2, 4 and 6 were selected and mentored by Dr. Anindita Dey and Dr. Supatra Sen to present their papers on diverse aspects of Biodiversity. Their excellent presentations were followed by lively interaction and inputs from other respected faculty members also from other Departments.
The presentations were so well appreciated that the respected Bursar Dr. Manas Kabi suggested a book volume where the papers could be published in print for greater circulation and readership.
The students and their mentors are now working towards achieving this landmark.
Webinar on Medicinal Plants : Sustainable Production and Utilization
Date : 21.03.2022 Monday
Organising Committee - Dr Anindita Dey, Dr Amitava Ghosh, Dr Supatra Sen
Speakers - Prof Ambarish Mukherjee, Retired Professor, Burdwan University
Dr. Prabir Ranjan Sur, Retired Scientist of BSI
To commemorate International Day of Forests this was held on 21st March. The emphasis was on Medicinal plants as forests are the store houses of many such wonder drug trees and plants. Sustainability is the key to overall wellness and well-being and any resource including forest resources must be sustainably utilised. Sustainable Resource Management to us is reality.
Along with this a slogan contest was also held for the students on the theme 'Forests and Sustainability'. A number of students participated and the three best slogans were selected and specially mentioned at the end of the webinar.