About us
Contact Email-Id : consultancy.cell@asutoshcollege.in

Asutosh College utilizes the knowledge of its rich faculty base to provide consultancy services to different academic institutions, corporate bodies, ventures and businesses, organizations, NGOs. The services help the service takers to grow, develop or benefit in some manner. The different academic departments are equipped to provide knowledge based as well as application-based advice to the takers.
Consulting is theoretically defined as the practice of providing a third party with expertise on a matter in exchange for a fee. The service may involve either advisory or implementation services. For the consultant, taking an independent and unbiased stance on an issue is central to his/her role. Consultants are specialists in their fields and have extensive knowledge about their subject. They are capable of identifying issues that might be overlooked by internal stakeholders. They can also introduce innovative approaches that may not be available inhouse.
Keeping in tune with the essence of Consultancy the teachers from all departments are equipped to provide consultancy services for a fee or on honorary basis (as the case may be). The details of activities provided by the college can be viewed in the report section. This committee keeps a detailed record of the different consultancy activities under taken by the teachers of different departments.