Course Syllabus

Certificate Course on Content Writing

                                                            To Be Conducted
Departments of Bengali and English

Total Marks: 100 (25 x 4)
Modules: 2 + 2

Module 1 (25)

  1. What is content?                                                                                                               10                     
  2. Different types of contents                                                                                               15

Broad classification:
Subjective content and objective content

Module 2 (25)

  1. Target Audience                                                                                                               10

Based on Demography
Based on Needs

  1. Subcategory of contents on the basis of target audience                                              15

Informative content 
Educative content
Commercial content
Social content 

Module 3 (25)

  1. Medium of content                                                                                                          10

Written/published content
Audio-visual content:
Storyline and Storyboard,
Role of storyboard

  1. Publication media                                                                                                        15

Print media: Newspaper; magazines; brochure; pamphlets; advertisements.
Audio-visual media: commercial; public-awareness campaign; commercial in disguise
of public awareness campaign. 

Module 4 (25)

  1. Content writing: Resources and Editing                                                                 10

Resources: Data; information; references 

  1. Budget making                                                                                                           15

Based on sources
Based on target audience


Suggested Reading/References:

Content by Kate Eichhorn
Writing for the Web by Lynda Felder
Content Writing Handbook by Kounal Gupta
Everybody Writes by Ann Handley
Word Castle by Vaibhav Kakkar
The Successful Author Mindset by Joanna Pen