Couse Syllabus

  • Lectures through online mode - Main Class will take place on Google meet. The class will be streaming on official YouTube channel of the college. Students will access only the YouTube channel. A feedback form will be shared in the chat-box of the YouTube channel to confirm the attendance after each Lecture.
    • Lecture + Practical - 3 contact Hour/week
    • Tutorial - 1 contact Hour / week
  • Assignments
    • Introductory Speech using visual aids
    • Persuasive Speech using visual aids
    • Cultural Diversity/Dyads Speech
Contents: Total Periods:
Module - 1 Content Credits
Basic Concept of Communication
  1. Communication : concept, definition
  2. Forms of communication
  3. Procedure of organizational communication
    a) horizontal communication
    b) vertical communication
    c) upward communication
    d) downward communication
    e) grapevine communication
  4. Functions of communication
  5. Mass communication: Definition , functions
  6. New media : Definition, concept
Module - 2
Public Relations
  1. Definition and concept
  2. Public Relations Vs Advertising, Publicity, Propaganda
  3. Role of Public Relations Officer in an organisation
  4. Corporate Communication
  5. Crisis Communication in an organisation
  6. Corporate Social Responsibility
Module - 3
Institutional Communication
  1. Definition and role of Institutional Communication
  2. Institutional Communication in Government, Public and private sector
  3. Attributes of a good communicator
  4. Developing communication strategies
  5. Institutional Communication in the digital era.
  6. Writing for the organisation(Press release etc.)
  7. Understanding the audience
  8. Developing and delivering effective presentation
  9. Group communication, team work and leadership
  10. Intercultural and international communication
Module - 4
  1. Concept of advertising, Relation between Ad and PR
  2. Corporate Advertising
  3. Definition and characteristics of corporate ad
  4. Application of corporate ad
  5. Steps of making an ad
  6. Preparation of corporate ad- Print ad /Display ad
  7. Making a storyboard for audio visual ad
  8. Market Research
  9. Integrated Marketing Communication
  10. Media Planning
Module - 5
Public Speaking and Listening
  1. Introduction to Public Speaking
  2. Understanding Speech – Types of Speech
  3. Ethical speaking
  4. Generating Ideas and making it memorable
  5. Delivering Ideas
  6. Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking, Final Delivery, (Group Discussion)
  7. Hearing vs. listening
  8. Value of listening
  9. Identify what kind of listener you are
  10. How to became good listener
  11. Three A's of effective listening
  12. Models of effective listening
  13. Skills of effective listening
  14. Barriers of effective listening
  15. Activities to improve listening skill
  1. Ad making using Photoshop
  2. House Journal
  3. Listening and speaking assignment including CV