Course Syllabus

Python Programming Course Syllabus

Introduction to the Python: Interpreted vs. compiled languages. Bytecodes. The importance of whitespace. Variables and the lack of explicit data types and how Python uses the concepts of duck, strong and static typing, to figure out data types in runtime. The assignment operator, the binding of names to objects, and aliasing. Keywords and their significance. 10 Hrs
Strings: Definition, declaration, and immutability, string constants, declaration, and the equivalence of single and double quotes. Multi-line strings. Raw strings. String formatting using the format function and the % operator. Built-in functions: count, find, replace, upper, lower, strip, etc. 10 Hrs
Lists: Definition, Declaration and mutability. Nested lists. Indexing and slicing: same as strings. List comprehensions. The split and join methods. Built-in list functions-append, extend, count, find, index, etc. 10 Hrs
Tuples: Definition, declaration and immutability. Packing and unpacking lists and tuples. The + and * operators on strings, lists and tuples. Indexing and slicing, lists and tuples.

10 Hrs
Conditionals: If, elif and else statements. Nested conditionals. 10 Hrs
Looping Constructs: while and for loops. Flow control using break, continue, and pass, Nested Loops 10 Hrs
Generators: range, sorted, reversed, zip, and enumerate. 10 Hrs
Functions: User defined functions, def: (return statement, default values for arguments, keyword arguments), lambda function. 10 Hrs
File handling: open and close methods, read and write modes, The csv module for efficient read/write of structured data. 10 Hrs
Problem Solving 10 Hrs