About the Committee
Contact Email-Id : eventorganising.committee@asutoshcollege.in
Event Organizing Committee of Asutosh College executes various events throughout the academic year in both online and offline mode. Students, teachers, non-teaching staff jointly participate for making each event successful. Various programmes both of national and international importance related to historical, social and cultural significance like Republic Day, Netaji Jayanti, Ambedkar Jayanti, College foundation day, International mother language Day etc.
Our Vision
- to generate social awareness and integrity
- to inculcate moral, ethical and cultural values
- to exceed the expectations
- to create innovative ideas
- to achieve excellence in performance and execution
- to nurture the inner talent of students
- to organise events which clearly reflect our vision
- to inspire and motivate
- to share unique ideas through interactive platform
- to create meaningful impact
- to set the right chord among our youth