About Us
The National Cadet Corps is the youth wing of the Indian Armed Forces with its headquarters in New Delhi, India. It is open to school and college students on voluntary basis as a Tri-Services Organization, comprising the Army, the Navy and the Air Wing, engaged in grooming the youth of the country into disciplined and patriotic citizens. NCC was introduced in Asutosh College in the year 2011 under 20 Bengal Battalion (Army Wing). The evolution of Asutosh College NCC is as bright as the Sun in the last decade. Asutosh College enroll cadets every year for its NCC unit through a fair and three round selection processes. The progress of Asutosh College NCC make it unique and one of its kind in India. At present Asutosh College NCC is leading by CTO Assistant Professor DR. AMINUDDIN SEIKH (Faculty of History Department).

Republic Day Camp (RDC) is one of the most prestigious national level camp in NCC India. This camp is organization in Delhi on the occasion of Republic Day of India 26th January every year. Cadets SUO Sudipta Banik(2018), SUO Subhangee Ghosh (2019), SUO Surela Manna(2021) represented the West Bengal and Sikkim Directorate in this camp. The performance of these cadets in the RDC is exceptionally good which helped the directorate to get a good rank in the all India competitions conducted in the RDC.

Thal Sainik Camp (TSC) is a 12 days camp conducted by NCC in Delhi every year, where selected cadets from all over India represent their respective directorate. In the year 2019 SUO Surela Manna represented the West Bengal and Sikkim Directorate in this Camp. In this camp she was awarded the Best Cadet award along with medal in rifle shooting for her all India 8th rank in the rifle Shooting Competition. Her performance in the camp was exceptionally good. In the year 2022, SUO Hirak Roy Chowdhury was represented the West Bengal and Sikkim Directorate in Thal Sainik Camp (TSC). In this camp he was awarded the Best Cadet award. His performance in the camp was exceptionally good.

Army Attachment Camp (AAC) is a camp organised by the NCC where selected NCC cadets are attached with an Army Battalion for few days to give an idea to the cadets regarding various activities conducted inside the Army. Cadets like SUO Amitesh Chanda , JUO Nasif Ahmed, CPL Pallab Jana, SUO Rahul Chatterjee , SGT Surajeet Kr.Shaw , SGT Neelanjan Bhattacharjee, CPL Sourav Kundu completed this camp in last few years with renowned BIHAR Regiment of Indian Army.

Rifle Shooting Competition is a competition conducted by NCC in different camps to ensure a good training ciriculam for the cadets. In the year 2019 in the CATC KC -XV Camp SUO Rahul Chatterjee was awarded the silver medal for the 0.22 Rifle Shooting Competition.
Inter Group Competition is a NCC competition at Directorate level where cadets from different parts of west Bengal and Sikkim come to represent their respect Groups. In the Inter Group Competition 2020-21 for first time the first and second best cadet of West Bengal and Sikkim Directorate was from the same college, Asutosh College , SUO Surela Manna(1st Best Cadet) and SUO Rahul Chatterjee(2nd Beat Cadet). Both the best cadets were also awarded with the CWS cash reward of Rs. 4500/- each. In the year 2021-22 from Asutosh College 9 cadets were selected in this camp to take part in different competitions which is a record selection from a single college.

Governo's Medal is the most prestigious award that a NCC cadet can be awarded in NCC. Two cadets from Asutosh College were nominated for this medal for the first time in the year 2021. SUO Surela Manna was awarded the Governor's Medal in the year 2021 for her excellent performance in various national camps. In the 2019 another cadet from Asutosh College NCC was also awarded the governor's medal for his performance in NCC. SUO Hirak Roy Chowdhury won the Most Spirited Cadet Award in "Pre TSC IGC 2022". SUO Rahul Chatterjee won the CWS Best Cadet award for the year 2022, representing the West Bengal and Sikkim Directorate. SGT Mishbahul Haque participated in ALC at Kharagpur and won gold medal for Expa in August 2022. UO Pritam Ray has scored the highest marks in "C" Certificate Examination of 2022 at the Group level in "KOL-C Group". Asutosh College NCC won overall Champion's trophy in KHEL event held in St. Xavier's College in February 2022.

Social Activities is one the important aspect of Asutosh College NCC. At regular intervals of time cadets of Asutosh College NCC take active participation in various social activities like Swach Bharat Campaign, Covid Awareness Campaign, Traffic safety awareness campaign, Punit Sagar Awareness camp, International Day of Yoga, World Health Day and getting associated with the Blind People's Association and other NGOs for different activities to help the deprived section of the society.