About the Committee
Contact Email-Id : seminarworkshop.centralcommittee@asutoshcollege.in

‘An investment in knowledge pays the best interest’
-Benjamin Franklin
Tracing this quote of wisdom, seminar organising committee of Asutosh College aided with the support of all the departments,invests all their efforts in organising knowledge disseminating seminars and workshops for their students.
Seminars and Workshops are a great value additive to the knowledge a student garners during his or her academic journey. They not only disseminate knowledge on curricular subjects but also encompass other related and application-oriented topics. Such sessions help in the holistic development of the student. The college believes in supporting students and scholars to engage with their academic community, to acquire greater understanding of their respective domains by not limiting them to their classroom but beyond, to create their own opportunities for industrial networking , to also share their own ideas and information. To accomplish the same, the seminar and workshop committee facilitates the organising of webinars, seminars, symposiums and conferences of national and international stature. These are platforms not only to learn new aspects, others perspectives and latest information, but also a good way of networking. Meeting new people often opens up new thought processes too. Besides an enhancement of confidence is inevitable when students get the opportunity of presenting papers or posters in seminars. Listening to experts in seminars often shows new path to a naïve student.
The Seminar organising committee of Asutosh College aims at ensuring that students of all the departments get a greater exposure of the bigger world through seminars that would be organised all around the year.
Objectives of the committee :
The objectives of the Seminar and Workshop Committee may be stated as :
- To ensure that seminars/ workshops are regularly being held by all the departments.
- To ensure there is no clash of dates or times between seminars held by the departments.
- To prepare complete reports of the seminar/workshops held by different departments.
- To ensure that the departments can seamlessly organize the seminars
- To facilitate the occurrence of participative seminar and workshops on issues of contemporary , global , cultural and national relevance.
- To instil the elements of “an inclusive learning organisation” as its core organisational competency by uplifting the practices of experiential learning at all levels by holding quality driven workshops by experts periodically.
- To provide an adequate opportunity to the students to engage and network with their extended academic community and gain quality exposure relevant to the present day workplace.