About the Course


Bhārata has a very rich and versatile knowledge system and cultural heritage. The Bhāratīya knowledge system was developed during the Vedic period, the Saraswatī-Sindhu Civilization, the Middle ages and is being practiced till the conditions of modern times. It is based on Vedic literature, the Vedas and the Upanishads. In this course, a special attention is given to the historical prospective of ideas occurrence in the ancient society, and implication to the concept of material world, and religious, social and cultural beliefs. On the closer examination religion, culture and science have appeared epistemological very rigidly connected in the Bhāratīya knowledge system. Over the period, most of the works were either lost or confined to the libraries or personal possessions. However, some of the activities are still in practice of the masses unknowing the scientific and practical values. Given the nature of course and diversity of the learners’ fields, the course is designed to provide a broad spectrum of the Bhāratīya knowledge system. The main objectives of this course are as follows:

  • Creating awareness amongst the youths about the true history and rich culture of the country.
  • Examine the concept of Bhāratīya concept of spirituality and its various paths.
  • Understanding the scientific value of the traditional knowledge of Bhārata.
  • To help to understand the apparently rational, verifiable and universal solution from ancient Indian knowledge system for the holistic development of physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.
  • Promoting the youths to do research in the various fields of Indian knowledge system.
  • Adding career, professional and business opportunities to the youths.