Course Syllabus

Module 1: (25 Hours)

  1. Introduction: Indian Knowledge system- Conception and Constitution of Knowledge in Indian Tradition. Sanskrit Language- Origins, Structure and Unique Characteristics of the Sanskrit Language, Sanskrit Metrics, Vak and Mantra in Sanskrit Language. Sanskrit Literature- Vedic, Epic, Pauranic, Concept of Shastra- Dharmashastra, Arthshastra, Natyashastra Smriti in Sanskrit Literature, Poetics and Aesthetics.
  2. The Vedic Corpus: Introduction to Vedas, A synopsis of the four Vedas, Sub-classification of Vedas, Messages in Vedas, Introduction to Vedangas, Prologue on Siksa and Vyakarana, Basics of Nirukta and Chandas, Introduction to Kalpa and Jyotisa, Vedic Life: A Distinctive Features.

Module 2:  (25 Hours)

  1. Knowledge Framework and classifications: Indian scheme of knowledge, The knowledge triangle, Prameya- A vaisesikan approach to physical reality, Dravyas- the constituents of the physical reality, Attributes- the properties of substances and action- the driver of conjunction and disjunction, Samanya, Visesa, Samavaya, Pramana- the means of valid knowledge.
  2. Essence of Indian Knowledge- Bhagavadgita: Jnanayoga, Karmayoga and Bhaktiyoga, Ethics of Niskama Karma, Law of Karma (Karma-phala) and Freedom of Will, Svadharma, Sadharana Dharma, Lokasamgraha, Sthitaprajna.

Module 3: (25 Hours)

  1. Introduction to Indian Philosophical Systems, Scientific aspect of Indian Knowledge Systems:

    Characteristics of Indian Philosophy, Pramanas, General Introduction to Indian Philosophical systems, i.e. Orthodox and Heterodox. Tenet of Nyaya philosophy, Principles of Vaisesika.

  2. The world view and vision of Human Society:  The concept of non-duality of Prakriti and Purush, Pancha-mahabhutas, the root of sorrow and suffering, freedom from sorrow, salvation, eternal peace truth, ultimate truth.

Module 4: (25 Hours)

  1. Introduction to Yoga: Definition, Meaning and objectives of yoga, Relevance of yoga in modern age. Brief introduction of Hatha yoga, Raja yoga, Karma yoga, Gyana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga.
  2. Program for Ensuring Human Purpose: Differentiating Vidya and Avidya, human bondages, Higher and Lower Knowledge (Para Vidhya & Apara Vidhya). Concept of Sattva, Rajas. Tamas and need of balancing the same. Patanjali yogsutra: Yama, Niyama, Asanas, Pranayams, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi. Sixteen category of padartha, Pramans (Pratyaksh, anuman, upaman, shabda). Saadhana chatushtayam (viveka, vairagya, mumukshatavam, shadsampathi (sama, dama, uparama, titiksha, shradha, samadhana), Understanding Nitya karma, Naimittika Karma, Kamya karma, prayaschitta karma, Nishidha karma.